Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Johann

Today we celebrate the birthday of J.S.Bach!  Although I never met the maestro - on earth, that is - he was a tremendous musical influence on me, most especially after I discovered his Well-Tempered Klavier, which improved my counterpoint immensely.   If I weren't hovering between my current home and yours (it does look quite beautiful in New York City this morning), I would be joining the entire Bach family for pastries and baroque dancing this  evening.  As it is, I shall merely hover, and perhaps listen in on one of the many performances of Johann's music that are taking place all over your world today.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My debut seems to be taking much longer than I had anticipated.  Mme. Moreno is now editing her manuscript, but the good news is, she is giving me an even more prominent role in her story. So I must forgive her for that.  I am a bit miffed, however, that she is occasionally taking time out to write a piano sonata.  Not that I consider her to be competition, but I do wish she'd concentrate on me exclusively.

My Dear Mr. Mozart, 
I'll never be able to compete with you in composition arena, but writing music inspires me to be more creative when I write about you. So I pretty much do concentrate on you exclusively - but don't tell my husband! xo, Mary