Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

On this day in the year 1756 I, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, was born into your world, and oh my, what a wonderful life I did pursue! Alas, I was compelled to take my leave long before I would have wished, and I departed with much of my music still unexpressed. Still, the knowledge that the music I did compose over two centuries ago is still listened to and appreciated keeps me alive and vibrant over here on the “other side.”

It has recently come to my attention that a certain New York novelist and composer is attempting to bring me back to life via her writing, and I must say, I applaud her desire to do so. I have made the decision to assist her in any way I can. I am therefore educating myself in the phenomenon of social networking, hence this blog through which I intend to track her efforts to celebrate my life and to hopefully involve me in yours.

So “stay tuned,” as your contemporary pundits might say, and check back frequently to see how my re-entry into your world progresses. And meanwhile, let us all enjoy a glass of punch to celebrate my birthday. I am enormously fond of punch.


  1. Happy birthday, honey, and welcome back to the living. I've followed your music enough to know that I'm just another Salieri. Alas, it's a good thing I'm good looking. I'll check in with you and see what you think of this brave new land of ours, but now I've got to run and listen to our President's address to the people. Get this. He's black. Who'd a thunk it.

  2. Ah, yes, Mr. Obama. So much more enlightened than our Emperor Franz Joseph who sometimes treated me like a servant!

  3. Welcome to the confusing world of the 21st century Mozart. I know a Scottish warrior from the 1800's who has arrived in this century to destroy a demon and he's finding it quite a challenge. Especially trying to understand these bold women who insist on running into danger, battling side by side with their men, refusing to play damsel in distress. Good luck to you.
